Live Video Consultations 

Why Live Video?

The digital age is constantly changing. The current business video trend is live video. Recorded video had its season and is now a standard business asset. Now, we are in the middle of a booming season of live video broadcasting. Live video is an "expected" and anticipate for every business. So, how do we leverage live video for business? How do we use live video in social media, on a business website, for live-selling? These are just a few questions you might have about live video for business.

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Start Building Your Live Video Strategy

With a strategy you will set goals, harness your natural talents, develop new skills and take action.
 Together we can create a strategy to help you achieve your live video goals one-by-one.  It's your session.

You decide the topics and tools we discuss. Let's work together to get you to the next level in live video.

  • Streaming Software
  •  Video Equipment
  •  Camera Confidence
  • Audience Engagement
  •  Content Repurposing
  • Show Elements 
  • Content Strategy 
  •  Multistreaming
  •  Selling Collaborations

BOOK YOUR 30-Minute Consultation

Use the calendar below to book your consultation.
1) Select a Month
 2) Select an Available Day & Time (pink)
3) Click to Book Your Call

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